Concealed in Cork
Someone won the jackpot
Making me a crackpot
They won’t think it’s funny
That I have no money
Since I have no bounty
Better leave the county
Poems and/or Drawings about Gambling.
Concealed in Cork
Someone won the jackpot
Making me a crackpot
They won’t think it’s funny
That I have no money
Since I have no bounty
Better leave the county
Legs 11 day
All the twos – twenty-two
Quack quack – two ducks – mark them blue
Six and nine – sixty-nine
A sixty-nine sure would be fine
Five and three – fifty-three
Three-in-a-row, that’s quite lucky
Three and four – thirty-four
I have the sweats, I need one more
Eight and one – eighty-one
I have a check – Yes, I have won!
Pray or prey?
The walking man walks
But where does he go?
The talking man talks
How much does he know?
The winning man wins
But what does he play?
The sinning man sins
For whom does he pray?
Then get eaten by a dingo
Monday night is time for BINGO!
Little ladies love their lingo
Lucky charm’s a pink flamingo
When they win, you’ll hear them sing-o
“I hate you.” “I know.”
As Star Wars goes, this ain’t the worst
They got it right when Han shot first
But this Han was slightly #Yolo
That’s why I was meh for Solo
Hundred-to-one haiku
Delicious dinners
Fun friends, good gambling, swank shops
Vegas vacation
Just win baby!
Drove for miles across the desert
Hoping that I would hit pay dirt
Got some wins to pad my pocket
Blinged my hat, I’m gonna rock it!
If I win you win
1.5 billion with a B
Is much more than F U money
That’s up there with Buffett and Gates
So I’ll share some with all me mates
All we need is… A big win
They built Vegas in the desert
A lot of dreams on sand and dirt
Sweetie Pea and Honey Bunny
Went there to win stacks of money
They parked their car in the garage
And then saw Love at the Mirage
Cirque du Soleil with the Fab Four
Part rock concert, but so much more
A better show they can’t recall
A splendid time was had by all
Running around the desert together
That magic night five years ago
When my wolf pack began to grow
Went to the top of the Horseshoe
You pledged to me, I pledged to you
We’re back again, top of Fremont
I say to you so nonchalant
Let’s do that thing we can’t abstain
Looking for strippers and cocaine
And a full house
They wanted kids but had bad odds
Instead of one, they got the quads
The cutest kids you’ll ever find
Tiff and Frank have four of a kind
Smaug’s jealous of my wealth
By the time you read this
I’ll have won the jackpot
There’s no way I can miss
This isn’t a longshot
There’s no way I can lose
I’m counting my riches
I’m the next Howard Hughes
Half a billion bitches!
Yo! That ain’t no crap!
Las Vegas is a paradise
For those who want to win a buck
At craps you roll a pair of dice
And hope the shooter doesn’t suck
Always bet on black
Thirteen can be quite scary
But I don’t think it’s very
And who doesn’t like Friday?
I think of it as my day
To get a fist full of green
And bet it on black thirteen
I don’t think, I know
Believing you will win
A lottery jackpot
Might give you a big grin
But you’re just a crackpot
And not just $2
I want to win at Powerball
I really want to win it all
I want to get a big fat check
‘Cause work is a pain in the neck
Didn’t blow a fuse
Left casino, we didn’t lose
We went looking to buy some shoes
There were many from which to choose
To get us to buy, some will schmooze
When all we really want is booze
No sales were made, they have the blues
Got in the car and set the cruise
We sped past the cows with their moos
The sunset had such pretty hues
Now we’re back home to take a snooze
West Wing
Seeing Martin Sheen
While playing a slot machine
Means that 2013
Will be peachy keen.