Disney + Star Wars = So Many ???

When it comes to cool, there is no equal
Han solo is tops, but why a prequel?
Disney should think twice about who they cast
Channing or Taylor would leave me aghast
Perhaps Michael Cera could play young Han
Selling bananas out of a Tauntaun
Donald Glover as Lando would make sense
Just thinking about this is so intense
Mostly I wonder how they’ll screw it up
The Star Wars version of 2 Girls 1 Cup
To those involved, if you don’t get it right
You should all be frozen in carbonite


Use the cash Luca$

Disney is doing what Lucas wouldn’t
But some fanboys think the mouse house shouldn’t
They picked a guy that penned a Toy Story
Will he bring the franchise back to glory?
Does Star Trek helmer know about the force?
Luke should never say, “Sulu, plot a course!”
Lastly, the prequels were so full of suck
They will need a kiss from Leia “for luck”

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