Comic book heroes are awesome

Every Day is #TableTopDay
Today we decided to play
Sentinels of the Multiverse
Minions are bad, villains are worse
I was Tempest the alien
More fishy than mammalian
Weather forces at my command
Lightning and hail flew from my hand
We really thought we had it made
But lost quickly to Baron Blade
So then a second game was on
Easily beating Omnitron
It’s fun enough to play anon
Next time Haka or Tachyon


I draw better than Rob Liefeld

Never ask a comic book fan
If Thanos could kill Superman
Is Quicksilver as fast as Flash?
Don’t make me angry or “Hulk smash!”
Fate or Strange – who’s the best doctor?
Could Wonder Woman beat up Thor?
Does MJ love Peter Parker?
Could Batman get any darker?
Is Jordan the best Green Lantern?
Can Human Torch get a sunburn?
Nerds and geeks adore these topics
That’s what sells so many comics

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