Rest in pieces Bob

Cannibals eat
Your hands and feet
A sloppy Joe
And your big toe
They’d be in luck
to get ground Chuck
Frank in a bun
Sure would be fun
But crab Louie
Is too chewy
Their favorite food
Is roasted dude,
Corn on the cob,
And leg of Bob


Let’s burn Atlanta just to be safe

As frightening as the Ayatollah
A dude in Atlanta has Ebola
The CDC has this man in a bed
Like the beginning of The Walking Dead
While they do their best to stop the outbreak
It’s hard to be sure the threat’s real or fake
I don’t know if it’s the end or prologue
But I’m getting a crossbow and a hog


Do priests give up wine for lent?

Today is the first day of lent
It’s marked by a smudging event
A priest rubs some dirt on your head
So you look like the walking dead
And then you’re expected to quit
Something that you like for a bit
The best part of this canon law
Is partying on Mardi Gras
I wonder if celibate monks
Are jealous of church approved drunks


What’s up on the road

The Walking Dead is back on
We saw Rick, Carl and Michonne
But no Carol or Daryl
We do not know their peril
Poor Hershel was just a head
No more spoilers will be said


I <3 Merle the pearl

On the last Walking Dead
Asshole Governor said
We will leave you alone
If you bring me Michonne
Rick considers the plan
What is wrong with that man?
Merle attempts to amend
Daryl cries at the end

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