
Young Ferdiad was kind of sullen
He had to fight his friend Cú Chulainn
Queen Medb slyly lied
Poor Ferdiad died
His body Cú Chulainn was cullin’


Slán mo chairde

Today I leave the USA
For Ireland where skies are grey
And while I leave loved ones behind
I had to leave or lose my mind
I miss my Sweetie Pea so much
I miss her smile, her laugh, her touch
So, I must go and start anew
I’m bringing Linc and Brownie too
We’ll settle there and start a life
Without my fucking awesome wife
I hope this works, my fingers crossed
This mental move comes at a cost
Emotional – financial too
And yet I must still bid adieu
The Emerald Isle is not that far
I guess I should say au revoir


All things must pass

Please start living like life always ends
Keep on trying again and again
Please start giving your love to your friends
We’re all dying, we just don’t know when


Downward farting dog

Brownie has a dootie
Brewing in his booty
Though he is my buddy
His stench is real cruddy
What is in his belly
That could be so smelly?
Maybe it’s the fish skin
That he had for din-din
Now my nose is smarting
“Brownie please stop farting!
Your ass gas is rotten
Go and get to squattin’!”



Scott and I played many games
Pairs, Loot Letter, and Codenames
Clank! and Lords of Waterdeep
Now it’s time to go to sleep


She cho-cho-chose me!

Friday night – a twist of fate
We met on a crazy date
She gave me a better life
I asked her to be my wife
I am hers, and she is mine
My forever valentine
Nine short years went by too fast
Our true love was meant to last
My lover and my best friend
Cancer got her in the end
I am hers, and she is mine
My forever valentine
I miss her all night and day
Feeling pain in every way
Sweetie Pea will always be
In my heart eternally
I am hers, and she is mine
My forever valentine


Good bye big man

Jerry called me up to say
That his father passed away
And they buried him today
You may lose your lovely wife
Or a foe who caused you strife
There is one thing sure in life
Our time here will always end
Here’s advice I recommend
Make sure that you call your friend
Let them know just how you feel
Tell the truth and keep it real
Ere the stopping of life’s wheel


So over 2017

Can’t wait for this year to end
So hard losing my best friend
Jizztrumpet is a big child
Neo-Nazis running wild
Orders for a Muslim ban
Stimulates the Ku Klux Klan
All women hashtag #MeToo
Roy Moore’s lawyer is a Jew
Rich folks got a big tax break
Bigots won’t bake wedding cake
Star Wars fans hate number VIII
Next year best be fucking great


Been with me since 1977

A long time ago
In a mall far, far away
A film changed my life


Focus harder

I want to think about the good
But all I think about is bad
I want to think about the good
But all I think about is sad
I want to focus on good times
Instead of thinking of the end
I want to focus on good times
Instead of losing my best friend


Another thing to make me sad

Last weekend tons of fun was had
The train and friends sure made me glad
But one thing happened that was bad
I left behind my black iPad


I know you said you’d wait for me
I hope you’re right my Sweetie Pea

The hardest thing I’ll ever do
Is say goodbye to Jelly Moo
My Sweetie Pea is here no more
She will not walk through our front door
She will not cook us awesome food
Or show kindness and gratitude
She will not laugh at silly jokes
Or suffer all those needle pokes

Without our Jean, the world is dark
Her happy smile won’t make a spark
The loss of Jean has caused a hole
There’s one less aunt for young Nicole
Her siblings knew they could count on
The young Jeannie who is now gone
Let’s not forget her awesome friends
As ratings go, she gave them tens

Although she’s gone, she is still here
Our memories won’t disappear
As we recall that pretty face
And how she changed every workplace
She read a lot and knew so much
Our lives transformed with by her sweet touch
There is no way we could forget
The best person we’ve ever met


We’ll get through this together

Avoid strife and hate
Focus on the ones you love
Nothing else matters


Everybody spread the word

Last weekend we did celebrate
Jean’s fond farewell to forty-eight
We drove up north to watch a play
And spent the night in Morro Bay
The drive was smooth, the weather fine
We ate good food and drank great wine
So many friends to hang out with
To honor her this June the Fifth
She’s so awesome, I have to say
We should make this a holiday


Hundred-to-one haiku

Delicious dinners
Fun friends, good gambling, swank shops
Vegas vacation


Keep sending good thoughts

Old doc’s treatment had been subpar
So I took Jean to the ER
New doc came in with an answer
Now we know it’s fucking cancer
Been in pain, and three months later
Clearly old doc was a traitor
Bad news isn’t ever easy
And I know that this sounds cheesy
Sweetie Pea is a big brawler
She will make the tumors smaller
Your support has been tremendous
Thanks for all the love you send us


Expand your terror!

There is a house upon the hill
The quickest glance can bring a chill
My friends and I answered a call
But that grim house betrayed us all
We searched the manse from room to room
Until we found unending doom
Try as I might, I cannot block
The horrors of the Widow’s Walk!


His favorite preserve is strawberry

I once had a roommate named Jerry
His interest in porn was quite scary
He really liked when
A bunch of women
Would live in a house on the prairie


Tormund says he is small below

There was a know nothing named Snow
Whose girlfriend shot him with a bow
His brothers did stab
Left him on a slab
At picking friends he’s just so-so


‪#‎PlayMoreGames‬ ‪#‎InternationalTabletopDay‬

Tabletop day is Saturday
Break out the games, and let’s all play
Tell Cliff that you have wood for sheep
Nick gains money during upkeep
With purple trains, Jon makes the route
Gregg’s a Cylon, there is no doubt
Tom’s in Essen to find a cure
Luke has the King, I know for sure
If none of this makes any sense
Go play a game, they’re so intense
Maybe you’ll win or make a friend
You’ll find the fun will never end


Gone like rolling thunder

They say good things come to their ends
I say goodbye to my card friends
No more Star Wars or Burning Sands
So much goodness held in my hands
No more Doomtown or L5R
The boxes went into my car
I hadn’t played these games in years
But all packed up, I fought back tears
When I did play, I had a blast
Those memories will have to last
It had to come, this mournful day
The card games have all gone away


You make ’em I’ll play ’em

My friends make games that I play test
They sell the games that are the best
They make games that are good and fun
I cannot wait for the next one


If I win you win

1.5 billion with a B
Is much more than F U money
That’s up there with Buffett and Gates
So I’ll share some with all me mates


Save me some tots!

Tom’s Take-out is soon changing hands
Just two more days for us tot fans
Now Mike, Mimi, Michael and Mark
Can spend the day at Waller Park
No more burgers served up with cokes
No more will we hear dirty jokes
Their run was great, but now it ends
At least they made a ton of friends


I love my own misfortune

My Facebook friends fill me with rage
And yet I still scroll down the page
I suffer from self misery
Like Schadenfreude just for me


8/8 was great!

The car was packed, we got some gas
A long four hour drive
Reunion for my high school class
From 1985
The year before and after too
Coyotes on the prowl
We didn’t sing awoo-awoo
Or give our mighty howl
I missed the ones that were not there
And even some that were
The bully jock that’s losing hair
I talked with him for sure
The pretty girls are women now
The boys are full grown men
We had some drinks and ate some chow
We spoke of now and then
The best part of the night for me
John Hufferd was there too
He means a lot to so many
To him we say thank you!
Like all good things it had to end
I looked back through the door
My real life pal or facebook friend
Let’s not wait thirty more


We are the mighty coyotes

Tomorrow will be 30 years
Since last I saw my high school friends
We’ll have some laughs and drink some beers
I hope the party never ends


It’s nice while it lasts

The Angels have been pretty hot
But time will tell if it’s for naught
Now seven games won in a row
And last lost ’bout two weeks ago
What happens when this hot streak ends?
Will Trout and Pujols still be friends?


Thanks Steve!

Our handyman is known as Steve
He’s super like Christopher Reeve
When There’s a problem we can’t fix
He opens up his bag of tricks
His nails are straight, they never stray
And then our troubles go away


Please take the bribe

If you share with a friend or two
I will write a poem for you
If you share and a friend clicks like
I will draw you dropping the mic


Played Pairs at PolyCon 33

At game cons there’s nothing finer
Than playing with the designer
Whether graybeard or a minor
No one wants to face a whiner

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