#2 team in L.A.
Tommy Trojan went to town
A-riding in his beamer
Stopped off for a chili dog
But got a Cleveland Steamer
Tommy Trojan kept it up,
Thanks to his nose candy
Afterwards he got locked up
And had to give a handy
Poems and/or Drawings about Food.
#2 team in L.A.
Tommy Trojan went to town
A-riding in his beamer
Stopped off for a chili dog
But got a Cleveland Steamer
Tommy Trojan kept it up,
Thanks to his nose candy
Afterwards he got locked up
And had to give a handy
Happy or hungry?
You seem excited to see me
Do you need food or want to pee?
Perhaps you thought that we were dead
And worried how you would get fed
How did you spend your time today?
Did you destroy or did you play?
There’s no debris, so I conclude
That I will give you some wet food
Plus Diet Mt. Dew
I love Taco Bell
Much better than Del
The tacos are swell
Burritos as well
On one thing I dwell
It makes my poo smell
Ninth circle of hell
I hate Taco Bell
Good luck All Blacks!
Our two week trip is at an end
Into a cave we did descend
The glow worms shined as bright as stars
Like fireflies caught in blue jars
We’ve seen and done so many things
Hobbiton from Lord of the Rings
We ate food cooked over tea tree
But never saw a brown kiwi
Just as planned
Walking with Jean hand in hand
It’s nighttime in New Zealand
The wine and food sure is grand
We want to stay in Auckland
48 sure is great
For my birthday I have one wish
I don’t want steak or any fish
Take back your gifts and keep your checks
‘Cause all I want is birthday sex
Food is sofa king good!!!
Small tater tots and double cheese
A linguica and large coke please
Tom’s Take Out rules that’s why I say
I want to eat there every day
8/8 was great!
The car was packed, we got some gas
A long four hour drive
Reunion for my high school class
From 1985
The year before and after too
Coyotes on the prowl
We didn’t sing awoo-awoo
Or give our mighty howl
I missed the ones that were not there
And even some that were
The bully jock that’s losing hair
I talked with him for sure
The pretty girls are women now
The boys are full grown men
We had some drinks and ate some chow
We spoke of now and then
The best part of the night for me
John Hufferd was there too
He means a lot to so many
To him we say thank you!
Like all good things it had to end
I looked back through the door
My real life pal or facebook friend
Let’s not wait thirty more
Is a dream a lie if it don’t come true
There once was a man with a guitar
Who pressed his own kale at the juice bar
He scrubbed in his tub
Worked out at the club
And dreamed of becoming a rock star
She’s da bomb pop
Living the dream
Eating ice cream
With my sweetie by my side
It’s such a thrill
That she’s so chill
I’m grateful that she’s my bride
Does my life make you jelli?
While eating toast and jelly
I got from a new deli
I turn on our old telly
And watch Michael and Kelly
Then noises in my belly
Squeak out and are real smelly
I am sooo chip faced
The bag of chips has a face
It’s a nacho cheese disgrace
The brain child of a nut case
Head is full of empty space
Easy target for your mace
An image you can’t erase
Worst thing in the human race
LOL’d at Blackhawks
Tom and Lourdes came to visit
The good times were quite exquisite
We started with the butterflies
The Rib Line had beach balls and fries
We drove around to taste some wine
About that time, we felt real fine
Joe Daddy was in the Casa
We ate tortas like a boss-a
Then played Dixit and Zombie Dice
About that time, sleep sure was nice
Waffles made from cinnamon rolls
Accompanied by fruit in bowls
Sent T and L off on their way
We did all that in just one day!
Eat ice cream for breakfast day
Ice cream for breakfast; ice cream for lunch
Ice cream for dinner; eat it with punch
Ice cream for dessert; ice cream all day
Ice cream will affect how much you weigh
Ice cream for parties; ice cream all night
To help cancer kids, let’s have a bite!
Taste the fur covered rainbow
I do my best to be discreet
Unless it deals with things to eat
I’ve hit a low that won’t be beat
By eating skittles off a seat
Helping immigrants – what a concept
Eating way too much
And fighting with loved ones
Happy Thanksgiving!
Rest in pieces Bob
Cannibals eat
Your hands and feet
A sloppy Joe
And your big toe
They’d be in luck
to get ground Chuck
Frank in a bun
Sure would be fun
But crab Louie
Is too chewy
Their favorite food
Is roasted dude,
Corn on the cob,
And leg of Bob
It’s full of sucks
Stinky’s is where people used to go
The burgers were pretty good, you know?
Got closed by Starbucks
And that really sucks
So they ain’t goin’ there any mo’
Save the sweater puppies
More precious than rubies
We must save the boobies
We looks ’cause we gottas
We must save the tatas
For Rosies and Ellens
We must save the melons
From goth to punk rockers
We must save the knockers
As seen on computers
We must save the hooters
From Yuma to Yonkers
We must save the honkers
They feel good on shoulders
We must save the boulders
Enjoyed in all cities
We must save the titties
Malodorous vomit pancakes
It’s so fucking hot
And the Angels lost again
Eat a bag of shit!
Don’t strain yourself
I think there’s Ebola
On your Coca-Cola
Media lives off fear
Joe Six-Pack drinks a beer
Put down that Ricola
It might have Ebola
Media slavery
Does not want bravery
I’m sure there’s Ebola
On raisin granola
They want you to be scared
Nobody will be spared
Flint to Pensacola
We all have Ebola
Thanks Tom & Penny!
We got to hang with Tom Jolly
Played a lot of games by golly
Sailed from India to This Town
Builders until the sun went down
Discworld: Ankh-Morpork we enjoyed
In game theory I got destroyed
Penny BBQ’d our dinner
Flame broiled pizza was a winner
Sipping cider; eating a slice
Played Istanbul once and then twice
What a fun party to attend
A scorpion signaled the end
We packed our games into a box
On the way home we saw a fox
47 thanks to you
Thank you for your birthday wishes
The fun is done
The food was good
Now it’s time to wash the dishes
What the frak?
My gaming friends came by tonight
To start it off we had a bite
We played one game of Battlestar
The humans won by moving far
I’ve not been Cylon in the past
And though we lost, it was a blast
Portland’s hangover cure
We got six donuts from Voodoo
First we ate one to break our fast
We had our second for lunch too
Then for dessert we ate the last
Blame it on the guy before
Have you ever smelled a smell
Like some demon dark and fell?
Did a vulture die in here?
This might linger for a year
Like an abattoir of death
Worse than garlic, onion breath
I think it was chorizo
That made the bathroom smell so
Double double animal style
When meeting a friend from Facebook
That you only know from online
Go to where they know how to cook
And take pics in front of their sign