Thanks for everything Alan & Karla!

Our visitors were
Karla and Alan
Jean was the chauffeur
We drank a gallon
We tasted some more
A great way to spend
A fiesta for
Jean’s birthday weekend


LOL’d at Blackhawks

Tom and Lourdes came to visit
The good times were quite exquisite
We started with the butterflies
The Rib Line had beach balls and fries
We drove around to taste some wine
About that time, we felt real fine
Joe Daddy was in the Casa
We ate tortas like a boss-a
Then played Dixit and Zombie Dice
About that time, sleep sure was nice
Waffles made from cinnamon rolls
Accompanied by fruit in bowls
Sent T and L off on their way
We did all that in just one day!


Let’s do better in 2015!

The year comes to its fated end
A good night to spend with a friend
As you plan your resolution
Consider your contribution
Stop drinking beer, and cut your hair
Lose twenty pounds, I just don’t care
Those goals are nice but selfish too
Do something that’s not just for you
Share the planet, and save the bees
Pledge your money to cure disease
Eat local foods, and plant a tree
Don’t fight too much, try to agree
Make your city a better place
Do something for the human race
What will I do to save the Earth?
I’ll cover it with smiles and mirth
As we bid this year adieu
Do as I say, not as I do


Gotta take a Kim Jung-Un

When I think of my Sweetie Pea
It’s like I’m on a tranquil sea
When I think of the holidays
My wallet needs a big fat raise
When I think of my dearest friends
To me they prove that they’re all tens
When I think of North Korea
I suffer from diarrhea


12-13-14 15:16:17

Many are invited
On such a gorgeous day
Two become united
In a euphoric way


RIP Nancy #GKG

Whether you’re old or if you’re young
If you’re low key, or too high strung
If you don’t want to lose your hair
Then take this as your Cancer scare
It affects cops and math teachers
Pilots, plumbers, priests and preachers
Chicks with hooters or flat chested
Men with balls should all get tested
It doesn’t care if you’re a star
Or if you train for CPR
Even if you’re a tap dancer
We should all say FUCK YOU CANCER!


Helping immigrants – what a concept

Eating way too much
And fighting with loved ones
Happy Thanksgiving!


K-K-K-Kenny and Annette

(To Elton John’s “Bennie and the Jets”)
He’s handy, she’s cheerful,
Have you ever met?
Our friends’re so much fun,
Kenny and Annette
Oh but he’s kind, and she’s affable
Oh Kenny he’s really lean
Annette is quite astute, she’s really cute
You know their house looks like it’s Halloween
Kenny and Annette


And a full house

They wanted kids but had bad odds
Instead of one, they got the quads
The cutest kids you’ll ever find
Tiff and Frank have four of a kind


Good luck B & R

Big changes today for our news
Won’t matter if we don’t get views
I’m sure Bianca will be great
And Rafa’s gonna be first rate
But will our viewers ever know
‘Cause we forgot our new promo


Thanks Tom & Penny!

We got to hang with Tom Jolly
Played a lot of games by golly
Sailed from India to This Town
Builders until the sun went down
Discworld: Ankh-Morpork we enjoyed
In game theory I got destroyed
Penny BBQ’d our dinner
Flame broiled pizza was a winner
Sipping cider; eating a slice
Played Istanbul once and then twice
What a fun party to attend
A scorpion signaled the end
We packed our games into a box
On the way home we saw a fox


What the frak?

My gaming friends came by tonight
To start it off we had a bite
We played one game of Battlestar
The humans won by moving far
I’ve not been Cylon in the past
And though we lost, it was a blast


We did not play Constantinople

Lorna is this woman I know
Who I met 30 years ago
She came to town the other day
To find some new board games to play
So Lorna, Marc, and Natalie
Played Istanbul with Jean and me
Then we drove to Captain Nemo’s
The card game Gloom is what she chose
I picked up Basic D&D
Then we ate dinner by the sea
We all had a fantastic day
Can’t wait for the next game to play


We partied hearty

I don’t mind cleaning
When the party’s done
I can’t stop leaning
It must have been fun


Double double animal style

When meeting a friend from Facebook
That you only know from online
Go to where they know how to cook
And take pics in front of their sign


Making memories for Memorial Day Weekend

Three day weekend
With my best friend
72 hours of fun
Gonna sleep late
It will be great
Already good and just begun!


What’s cooking on Cook?

Tonight was a big winner
We hosted friends for dinner
First ones there were Kath and Gabe
Then came Stephanie and Dave
We chowed down on some tri-tip
While we had some wine to sip
Then we played some Zombie Dice
Jean won once, but I lost twice
Doesn’t matter, fun was had
Thanks for coming to our pad!


Damn that’s exhausting

We say goodbye to Mary Drive
At out new house we did arrive
It took three days to move a mile
I hope it proves to be worthwhile
Moving all of the odds and ends
Would not have happened without friends
I’ll get back to all my slacking
As soon as I’m done unpacking


Good grub great guys

It is National Chili Day
So spend it in a special way
My favorite place to go is Tom’s
They put hair on your chest and palms
They serve iced tea from a bottle
And talk comics with a model
Don’t be scared ’cause their skin is brown
Tom’s Take-out is the best in town


Now on kickstarter!

The perfect game for a geek date
Is Cosmic Wombat’s Stones of Fate
Easy to play and quick to learn
Leaves time to flirt during your turn
There’s wands and swords and cups and coins
And artwork that might thrill your loins
It’s made by my friend Luke Laurie
And tests your skills and memory
To win a card, you place your stones
Then flip the card, and check the zones
If you play games with your soul mate
Then you should try the Stones of Fate


We found our home!

Our house, our house, we sold our house!
We were homeless, me and my spouse
And house hunting can be scary
So we called on our friend Mary
Through many listings we did comb
Until we found the perfect home!


And not one eye was lost

The game con was fun by golly
I playtested with Tom Jolly
In Dreadwood Luke did desecrate
Jeff demonstrated Stones of Fate
After I Rolled Through the Ages
I saw warriors and mages
In Caverna my dwarves explored
Then I bought games I could afford
We got home before it was dawn
Another successful Orccon!


I’ll always have your back

Don’t wait for a zombie apocalypse
When we’re invaded by alien ships
We might get blown away by asteroids
Or fight an army of evil androids
You never know how the world’s gonna end
But it won’t suck if you’re with your best friend


I’m in tune
Right in tune

Friends played at a local cafe
Music on a Saturday night
Tunes were good, the tea was okay
The company was out of sight


I just call out your name

When I’m wearing a frown
You turn it upside down
If I feel sad or blue
You’re the one I turn to
If my spirits are low
It’s to you that I go
Upon you I depend
You’re my forever friend


Coming out still matters

To my friends that are not out
You don’t have to scream or shout
But you can if you want to
You should do what’s best for you
Just know that you have a friend
Who will fight until the end
If you are not cis like me
Today is your destiny


I think I’ll eat a torte

My knee had a huge wart
Its existence cut short
Because of the bump’s size
Which led to its demise
Today it got chopped off
Now there’s a bloody trough
I’m hirsute like an ape
Hairs were lost in the scrape
Goodbye dear friend goodbye
Where do warts go to die?


Wander lust

Mark is this guy I know
To Europe he will go
He’s trying to raise dough
Via indiegogo
If your green you will show
You can get a photo


Heidi is mighty

There is a great woman named Heidi
Who works hard to keep her house tidy
Tutor and chauffeur
Midgets frighten her
Happy Birthday Heidi the mighty


Thanks for the visit!

From near and from far
Our friends are many
Two of the best are
Annette and Kenny
Sipping Chardonnay
Eating barbecue
Or watching a play
Is cool with you two


Hey punk! Here’s your poem!

There once was a guy named Vitali
We met in High School back in Cali
Though he’s in PA
And I’m in CA
He’s still my friend, buddy and pally

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