England has suffered enough this week
Baby Trumpet in the sky
Jizzing lies that make me cry
Didn’t know that shit could fly
Now I want to get so high
Poems and/or Drawings about Celebrities.
England has suffered enough this week
Baby Trumpet in the sky
Jizzing lies that make me cry
Didn’t know that shit could fly
Now I want to get so high
More than they possibly can
Mizztrumpet jacket
“I really don’t care do u?
Yes, I fucking do!
Flint still doesn’t have clean water
Funny lady slung the dirt
Sarah got her feelings hurt
Right wing outrage must be fake
Smoky eye melts the snowflake
Hey hey hey! You’re a rapist!
For years I laughed at my friend Bill
But then I heard he slipped a pill
Into a pretty lady’s glass
And now that Bill’s a fucking ass
Subpoena Sam
There is a Sam under subpoena
Who’s crazier than a hyena
He’s either a drunk
Or Roger Stone’s punk
He needs to flee to Argentina
Last time he ran was for President
Into the school he would have run
He said he wouldn’t need a gun
Both cops and students he’s maligned
Jizztrumpet’s lost his fucking mind
I hope it rains!
He wants a wall and ICE to raid
Jizztrumpet craves a yuge parade
He needs to hear a fusillade
While his supporters drink Kool-Aid
Now we’re all poor – LOL
Listen to the bankers bawling
Rich people are caterwauling
All because the Dow Jones falling
My broke ass just sits here lolling
Things a Jizztrumpet would tweet
“My grabbing of pussies is great”
“I’m best when I’m tweeting out hate”
“My button is bigger than yours”
“I’m gonna cause nuclear wars”
Worst year ever!
Twenty seventeen –
The worst of my fifty years –
Sucked a fat dog’s ass
So over 2017
Can’t wait for this year to end
So hard losing my best friend
Jizztrumpet is a big child
Neo-Nazis running wild
Orders for a Muslim ban
Stimulates the Ku Klux Klan
All women hashtag #MeToo
Roy Moore’s lawyer is a Jew
Rich folks got a big tax break
Bigots won’t bake wedding cake
Star Wars fans hate number VIII
Next year best be fucking great
Turn it Up!
Young girls kept him turned on
Cherry chapstick sure made him grin
Banned from malls across the south-land
Dating children’s bad once again and I think it’s a win
Well, I heard Mister Moore talk about her
Well, I heard ole Roy put her down
Well, I hope Roy Moore will remember
A southern man don’t need him around anyhow
Sweet home Alabama
Where the state is turning blue
Sweet home Alabama
Jones is coming home to you!
Hope your day is swell and happy
Better not be hell and crappy
If it’s more than you can handle
Burn an asshole with a candle
I don’t <3 Huckabee Sanders
No more bushes to hide in
Or Jizztrumpet bullshit spin
No more #AltFacts off the hip
Spicer’s jumping off the ship
He has no valves to press
Jizztrumpet junior is not smart
His treachery is off the chart
It’s funny that it’s his email
That shows the USA for sale
Happy fucking Fourth of July
On this sad 4th of July
The Jizztrumpet makes me cry
He shows allies no respect
World wide image is now wrecked
Presidential he is not
Melting down our melting pot
Every tweet’s a dis or brag
It’s like shitting on the flag
Though we beg, urge and beseech
GOP will not impeach
While you eat your barbecue
The POTUS is fucking you
#Predisent #Covfefe
This White House isn’t eloquent
With #Covfefe and #Predisent
Established rules they circumvent
To crush this Great Experiment
Sleep tight don’t let the covfefes bite
“Despite the constant
Negative press covfefe
I wrote a haiku”
Jizztrumpet says Germans are bad
One of the worst was his own dad
This has to make most teutons mad
But does make him Putin’s comrade
I don’t know how long we can cope
The world has much love for this Pope
His sermons preach of lasting hope
But today, he walked a tightrope
By welcoming in a big dope
Jizztrumpet is a misanthrope
Repellent because of his grope
His pride is a slippery slope
When asked to smile Francis said, “NOPE!”
Obstruction of justice
Roses are red
Violets are blue
They’re coming for the Jizztrumpet
I’m so fucking happy
It’s only been 110 days!
Jizztrumpet is Nixonian
His orders are draconian
The consummate vulgarian
The Comey thing – contrarian
Constant attacks on media
Precipitates acedia
The US ain’t utopia
But let’s avoid dystopia
Liar, liar Jizztrumpet on fire
There once was a hero named Sally
She knew that Flynn was Russia’s pally
She gave evidence
That Flynn lied to Pence
Which might bring about Trump’s finale
Trump fans – dense means stupid
Jizztrumpet is fucking dense
Things he says do not make sense
Every day he fucks up more
“Why was there the civil war?”
His query is causing waves
Guess he forgot ’bout the slaves
I should not laugh, I should not gloat
But Trump is on a sinking boat
There’s so much chaos on the hill
He cannot pass his new health bill
Repeal-Replace has gone nowhere
So we still have Obamacare
The swamp is streaming through the breach
It’s “when” not “if” we should impeach
Hit me with your best shart!
The last few days have not been great
For bathroom trips I vacillate
Between the squirts and smelly farts
My TP use is off the charts
And now I trust my flatulence
About as much as Trump and Pence
Another cramp, so here I sit
I cannot wait for solid shit
Somebody’s watching Jizztrumpet
Land of the free; home of the brave
But spies live in your microwave
Oh purple mountain majesty
Team 45’s a travesty
Scariest Poe poem ever
Grabbing pussies makes me cheery, while Steve Bannon sits there bleary
Kellyanne was cleaning puddles sprinkled over my golden floor
While I tweeted, close to crapping, suddenly there came a slapping,
As if Putin fiercely fapping, fapping on my golden floor.
“‘Tis Obama! Wire tapping, tapping on my golden floor-
He is sick and so much more!”
Freshen up with Putin Pourri
He blocked the news, he’s crossed the line
His every move is asinine
He builds a wall to bring jobs back
“Protecting us from an attack”
He hates muslims, he hates the gays
He’ll bring about the end of days
We can’t believe a word he speaks
He’s done all this in just five weeks
I must insist that you #RESIST
When he institutes a ban
We must do all that we can
To #RESIST his evil ways
From right now till end of days