Fish and trips
My tragedy was Brownie’s wish
Because I dropped my chips and fish
I walked him back to where they spilled
And then he ate till he was filled
Tonight I mourn my takeaway
To Brownie, it’s “the bestest day!”
Fish and trips
My tragedy was Brownie’s wish
Because I dropped my chips and fish
I walked him back to where they spilled
And then he ate till he was filled
Tonight I mourn my takeaway
To Brownie, it’s “the bestest day!”
#RIP Eric Sokol
Seems like losing’s never finished
Every loss leaves me diminished
News today was grief and sorrow
Hope it’s better news tomorrow
That’s all you got for GoT
Want to talk of Winterfell
Want to cry and want to yell
But I do not want to spoil
That might get your blood to boil
Four more days is all you got
Friday I reveal the plot
Hannah knows how to blow
Easter Weekend was quite warm
Now we have a feckin’ storm
Gusty winds are some display
Hope we don’t get blown away!
Slow down, you move too fast
When I think I’m doing something
I’m just busy doing nothing
When I think I’m keeping busy
I’m just making myself dizzy
When I think I’m near perfection
I’m just in the wrong direction
Never-ending sweat exposes
I should stop and smell the roses
Let the sunshine in
A summer day happened in spring
With bright sunshine and everything
I ate some tasty barbecue
With some good friends and new friends too
Immaculate perception
I cleaned the house because it’s Spring
I scrubbed the floors and everything
I dusted here, I dusted there
I found a ton of Brownie hair
I washed the dishes in the sink
I picked up after little Linc
I swept so hard my fingers bled
And now it’s time to go to bed
Be thankful I don’t take it all
Please do not laugh, this isn’t funny
At breakfast time my eggs were runny
Brownie and Linc ate all my honey
It’s raining now, no longer sunny
The taxman came and took my money
Perhaps I’ll eat the Easter bunny
Is maith liom feoil dorcha
I wish I was a polyglot
But one language is all I’ve got
I tried Spanish and Irish too
“Hello”, “Goodbye”, and “How are you?”
So, Duolingo helps to train
These languages inside my brain
My CV is curiously vast
Today I had an interview
But not one job, it was for two
And when they tell me, “We want you!”
I’ll celebrate with Irish stew
We were all winners
Wednesday night is my game night
And tonight was out of sight
Loot Letter and Isle of Skye
Carson City – my oh my
I will show up every week
‘Cause I am a board game geek
Mope brings external
I will need some hocus-pocus
To regain external focus
It should clearly be worth nothing
Through each day I’m mostly floating
Walk the dog, and feed the kitty
Exercise to keep me pretty
Nothing else seems to be working
Thankfully sunshine is lurking
Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Lee!
To every sir and madam
That know Lisa and Adam
The long waiting is all done
Today these two become one
Their love will be wholehearted
Let’s get this party started
Oíche mhaith
If you’re an Ulster dreamer
You’ll always dream of Eimear
Your mind will be a reelin’
If ever you meet Caoilfhoinn
You better have inertia
To try to woo a Saoirse
If you can say it rightly
You’ll get to see her nightly
Like a silk sheet
At the Paddy’s day parade
You will surely find Máiréad
Those that have both brains and brawn
Fascinate the fair Siobhán
To impress an Irish lass
Say their name as smooth as glass
Get the point?
Don’t mess with a woman named Niamh
They always keep knives up their sleeve
Don’t mess with a fella named Piaras
They carry sharp objects that pierce
Don’t mess with a woman named Medb
They might whack your head with a stave
Don’t mess with a fella named Aodh
They have been known to skin and flay
Don’t mess with the folks of the harp
They always have things that are sharp
Owen is owin’ Eoghan
This is the legend of Eoghan
Others are comin’ and goin’
He has a side he ain’t showin’
Vast is the knowledge he’s knowin’
Dark is the shade he is throwin’
Loud is the horn he is blowin’
He doesn’t do his own crowin’
His tale is growin’ and growin’
Rhymes with skin trade
My leg hurt, and I needed shin-aid
I made an appointment with Sinéad
She is a pro at giving first aid
Her regimen helped make the pain fade
And then I wake up
“Mmm hmm! Uh huh! Yeah, pull my hair!”
“Like that! Oh yeah! I’m almost there!”
“That feels so good! Don’t stop! Go! go!”
“Right there! Oh god! I’m gonna blow!”
Into the night, their bodies sweat
At last, she asks, “Are you done yet?!”
Human food dispenser
If my Brownie Bear could talk
All he’d say is “Food!” and “Walk!”
If my little Linc could speak
Glad they can’t articulate
Neverending scorn and hate
Meeples > Top Hats
Someone blended “my” and “people”
And that portmanteau was “meeple”
Gamers love them – wood or plastic
Some are simple – some fantastic
Fighters, wizards, thieves and clerics
Dinos, pirates, and oil derricks
You can choose your favorite symbol
Better than a boot or thimble
Until the end of time
How many times can your heart break?
How many times can your heart ache?
So many times you’ll mourn and grieve
So many times you won’t believe
How many times did your heart build?
How many times was your heart filled?
That many times you’ll wonder why
That many times and more you’ll cry
I’m mine 4 ever
The day of love is here again
I love myself like I’m a ten
I gave myself my own “Be Mine”
‘Cause I’m my special Valentine
Painted by science!
I hope you saw tonight’s sunset
The moment when day and night met
The orange clouds and purple skies
A masterpiece before your eyes
Reach out touch someone
Water leaking from my eye
Why am I about to cry?
Every piece of news is sad
Nothing seems to make me glad
Then my friend decides to call
And their voice undoes it all
I forget when I’m alone
No one’s far thanks to the phone
There’s always next year
Sportsball isn’t fun
The Patriots won
New England is glad
The rest of us sad
Old England won too
The green boys are blue
The cats got a loss
Jizztrumpet’s still boss
This world is all wrong
Let’s toke on this bong
February won!
Today is February One
There is February sun
Start the February run
Let’s have February fun!
Ignoble warming
When it gets to -1
Go outside for icy fun
When it gets to -2
Ears and nose start turning blue
When it gets to -3
Snot freezes on my goatee
When it gets to -4
Milk and bread brawls at the store
When it gets to -5
That’s when snowmen come alive
When it gets to -6
Beat them back with burning sticks
-7, -8
Cold War isn’t going great
When it gets to -9
Frosty’s friends are looking fine
When it gets to -10
Build snow women for snowmen
Only way to win this war
Go inside and shut the door
Better than the alternative
Will I always feel this way?
Will it stop and go away?
Will the memories and tears
Stay with me for many years?
Deirdre and Kieran were two, family-wise
But last Saturday they doubled in size
Twins Cian Patrick and Cillian James
Two catchy, brilliant, and powerful names
We are excited for all the Gibbons
The four are now flush with first place ribbons