#FuckDaesh twice, sideways with a broom
Istanbul has been bombed again
Too many victims – it’s insane
Travelers waiting for a plane
Terrorists are a huge shit stain
#FuckDaesh twice, sideways with a broom
Istanbul has been bombed again
Too many victims – it’s insane
Travelers waiting for a plane
Terrorists are a huge shit stain
Here we stand
There once was a girl named Lyanna
A fierce protector like Diana
A girl among men
She’s proven again
To the Starks, she is top banana
#Brexit? how ’bout #FuxItUp!
EU is a bloody mess
Like a Donald Trump U.S.
Merry England wants to leave
Chaos is all they achieve
Scotland voted to remain
And Gibraltar next to Spain
Ulster said it wants to stay
Now they may unite some day
UK’s money loses ground
Peso’s worth more than the pound
Misinformed and racist Brits
Put their county in the shits
Now the home of Mr. Bean
Can’t be saved by king or queen
I now have one headlight
Into a nail I stumble
I feel a painful ripple
My moob’s a bloody jumble
I just ripped off my nipple
Fuck the NRA
Columbine was not enough
Fuck the NRA
Sandy Hook was not enough
Make them go away
Orlando was not enough
Fuck the NRA
Never will it be enough
What else can we say?
Let’s make America brown again
I ate too much, my pants are tight
I know I have to take a dump
I’m pushing hard, with all my might
But all I made was Donald Trump
People > guns
Here’s a tip for you and yours
When a massacre occurs
Hug your family, not your gun
Or the terrorists have won
The planet’s getting hotter
Another gun slaughter
Trans loathing is profuse
About their bathroom use
A racist candidate
Who spews rancor and hate
He sows a hatred seed
When love is what we needed
Lincoln Hayes
Wiggle my fingers; run, run run
Playing with Linc is fun, fun, fun
Jumps on my belly; knead, knead, knead
His claws are sharp; I bleed, bleed, bleed
Runs up the stairs, so quick, quick, quick
He knocks things over; dick, dick, dick
Throughout the house his fur, fur, fur
When it’s time for bed, purr, purr, purr
My hate for Trump is plain and pure
I felt the Bern, now I’m with her
Clinton’s platform I do prefer
I love women, so I’m with her
Trump is the worst, a wretched cur
Go build your wall, ’cause I’m with her
Of the two left, I do concur
She is the best, and I’m with her
Landscape limerick
There is a posh painter named Patrick
His yarn use was not for a cat trick
He’s friendly and swell
Proficient as well
For artists, he has scored the hat trick
Happy birthday Sweetie Pea!
Jean is my love, I love my Jean
To me she’s kind, she’s never mean
She’s so funny and lot’s of fun
As sweetie peas, she’s number one
She’s got the looks, she’s got the smarts
She always cooks and never farts
I stay young with vitamin J
So let’s wish Jean – Happy Birthday!
#RainbowPoo #LGBTPrideMonth
I’m an LGBT ally
We won’t back down, we will not hide
Until the first day of July
It’s time for LGBT pride
If gay marriage makes you feel sad
Just think about how they must feel
It’s not a choice, it’s not a fad
The way they love is very real
If bathrooms cause you untold fears
I hope to change your point of view
Trans people, gays, and even queers
Use toilets just to pee and poo